#3 Tips for Success

                  Welcome to the third post poshers! I am so delighted to continue this journey with all of you. I'm happy to keep all of you as informed as I can and share important information that benefits you guys in some way or the other.

As mentioned in my previous blog, today, I will be sharing a very important online tool with you. It is one of the main tools for running any business and its importance cannot be stressed upon enough. Imagine not being able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business, or not being able to read your customers and gain insights, or not being able to access your performances. Well, with the absence of 'Analytics', that does all that work for you, you certainly cannot run a successful business. All kinds of businesses, irrespective of their nature or type, require analyzations over various aspects. Digitalist Magazine had recently posted an article on why Analytics is so important for Business. You can read it here- https://www.digitalistmag.com/cio-knowledge/2018/02/12/why-analytics-are-so-important-for-businesses-in-2018-06164825

Lucky for us, the Google Marketing Platform has come up with the free tool Analytics which will help you analyze all the necessary data related to your business at one place.

"Google Analytics logo" by Christopher Bettig is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

It helps you build a complete picture of the performances of your business such as marketing, content, products, etc. The insights helps in extracting the most out of your data. By using these insights, you can reach the right customers for your business. Know all the benefits of Google Analytics in the video below:

You can even subscribe to their Youtube Channel here- Youtube- Google Analytics

In includes some very interesting features like Analytics Intelligence, Reporting, Data Analysis and Visualization, Data Collection and Management, Data Analyzation and so on. For example, Intelligence answers all questions regarding your data and gives you proper insights, Reporting tools help you share those insights with your organization, Data Collection and Management helps you organize and manage your data. Google provides Analytics, which is for small to medium sized business and Analytics 360, which is for large ones.

You can compare the two tools and opt for the tool that suits your business the best. Compare here - https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/compare/

You can even experience certain live demos and know more about various tools in google analytics on this site- https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/

I really hope this information benefits you in some way or the other. For those starting your business, or finding ways to improve it, Google Marketing Platforms should be number one on your checklist.

That's it for blog #3 poshers. I'll be signing off for today.

Don't forget to believe in yourself.



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