#1 Introduction

Welcome to Posh Palette!

       Hello beautiful people. Hope you're having an amazing day. Posh Palette welcomes you to its very first blog! Let's begin this journey with something inspiring: 

"Style is something each of us already has, all we need to do is find it." —Diane von Furstenberg
       Do you often sit in front of your closet for hours unable to decide what to wear? Don't you worry.  Posh Palette will certainly help you find it.  Fashion to me, is art. On the other hand, style is comfort. Fashion trends in this world are very erratic. So is this industry. But the best part about it is that there is infinite scope for creativity and innovation. Posh Palette will be your ultimate guide to fashion and style. From accessories to clothing and footwear, it'll be your one stop destination for all kinds of looks. This blog would be focusing more on style and comfort and help you choose the best combination of things from your closet.
       I am very passionate about fashion. Trends, seasons, colors and styles have always excited me, ever since I was a little kid. If you feel the same, join me on this journey of finding your style and making your mark in the fashion world. Since I cannot personally meet all of you, allow me to term you all as 'POSHERS'. 

I would love to share the link to a TEDx talk by Maria Raveendran on "The Power Of Fashion" with you guys. Feel free to share your views in the comments below. 

       Well, that's it for today poshers. I will be meeting you all very soon. I have some very exciting blogs that I love reading, and I will be sharing them with you in my next blog. Stay tuned. 

And don't forget, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!



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